Journal of Applied Measurement


Content:  Journal of Applied Measurement publishes refereed scholarly work from all academic disciplines that relates to measurement theory and its application to developing variables. The construction and interpretation of meaningful and unambiguous variables is a salient feature of measurement. It represents the congruence of measurement theory and substantive research in a wide range of scientific endeavors. The development of variables that map the persons and items onto a common metric, operational defined by the items, that are invariant across samples of persons and items, is a cornerstone of developing an understanding of the phenomena being measured and the construction and verification of hypotheses based on these phenomena. The journal will also publish invited articles that provide examples of methodological issues that are relevant to constructing useful variables.

Book and Software Reviews:  The Journal of Applied Measurement publishes reviews of current books and software. These reviews permit scholarly assessment of current books and software. Suggestions for review are accepted. Original authors of reviewed books and software will be given the opportunity to respond to all reviews.

Indexing:  The Journal of Applied Measurement is currently indexed in the Current Index to Journals in Education (ERIC), Index Medicus, MEDLINE, and PsychINFO.

Manuscript Preparation:  Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2010). Limit manuscripts to 30 pages of text, exclusive of tables and figures. Manuscripts must be double-spaced including the title page, abstract, text, quotes, acknowledgments, references, and appendices. On the cover page list author's name(s), affiliation(s), postal mailing address(es), telephone number(s), and electronic mail address(es). On the second page include the title and a 100 to 150 word abstract. Place tables on separate pages. Include copies of all figures. Number all pages consecutively.

Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to reprint or adapt a table or figure or to reprint a quotation of 500 words or more. Copies of all permissions and credit lines must be submitted.

Manuscript Submission:  To sumbit a manuscript by postal mail, please send four (4) manuscript copies to Richard M. Smith, Editor, Journal of Applied Measurement, P.O. Box 1283, Maple Grove, MN 55311, USA ( Prepare three of the four copies of the manuscript for peer review by removing references to author(s) and institution(s). In a cover letter, authors should indicate that the manuscript includes only original material that has not been previously published and is not under review elsewhere. JAM now accepts e-mail manuscript submissions in addition to postal mail submissions. E-mail submissions must include three (3) files: The cover letter, described above; the complete manuscript with all author information; and the blind peer review manuscript with the title and abstract on the first page. PDFs are acceptable for these three files. Please use the e-mail address provided above. When a manuscript has been accepted, the lead author is asked to submit a final printed copy of the manuscript, original graphic files, and camera-ready figures, a copy of the final manuscript in WordPerfect or Word format, and sign and return a copyright-transfer agreement. Reprints of articles are available for purchase at the time the manuscript is published. Manuscripts are copy-edited and composed into page proofs. Authors are asked to review proofs before publication.

Peer Review of Manuscripts:  Manuscripts are anonymously peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers appropriate for the topic and content of the article submitted. The editor will maintain the anonymity of the author(s) and reviewers during the review process. The review process normally requires three to four months.

No part of the Journal of Applied Measurement may be used, in any form or by any means, without permission of the publisher. JAM is printed in the United States of America.


Richard M. Smith, Editor. (Revised January 2019)

ISSN 1529-7713
